TALA Membership

You are invited to make your voice more impactful in the assisted living industry through membership in TALA. TALA is assisted living’s voice in Texas. TALA has a proven track record of advocacy on behalf of the assisted living industry. View here.

TALA has multiple membership classifications – providers, industry partners, companies new to Texas that are in the process of building a community (Prospective Members), and individuals working in the assisted living industry whose employers are not members.

Learn More About TALA Membership!

Please, count yourself IN... Informed ... Involved ... In pursuit of the best assisted living in the country! Become part of TALA today!

Membership Benefits:

Legislative & Regulatory Representation

TALA, guided by its the Board of Directors and Public Policy Committee, works actively on all issues relevant to assisted living facilities in Texas, monitoring legislation and working with regulatory agencies and governing bodies. TALA is your voice on the critical matters affecting your community.

Annual Membership Directory

TALA's comprehensive Membership Directory for the association. This annual guide is distributed to the membership at no charge.

TALA Newsletter - The TALAView

TALA stays on top of issues relevant to the assisted living industry in Texas. TALA distributes a monthly newsletter filled with key information such as regulatory updates, information about upcoming manager’s classes and continuing education opportunities, as well as member news, and an update on TALA’s activities. Whether new regulatory rulings or a call to action on a pending public hearing, TALA members stay informed!

Education and Training

TALA provides top-notch Administrator Training programs which meet the Texas requirements for assisted living administrators. Additional programs for administrators and other AL staff are offered throughout the state during the year. Discount registration fees for TALA members.

Annual Conference & Trade Show

TALA’s Annual Conference and Trade Show features well known speakers, numerous educational sessions, networking opportunities and a trade show that features the best of the best the Industry Partners have to offer the assisted living industry in Texas. A multitude of vendors all under one roof make your business shopping convenient and easy. Discount registration fees for TALA members.

Tools You Can Use

As a TALA member, you will have access to a member-only portal on the TALA website that contains sample policies, helpful tip sheets, other day material helpful to your community.

Membership for the whole Company

As a TALA provider member, all of your employees are considered members and entitled to membership discounts. Additionally, your employees under 40 years of age or new to the industry can join the TALA YPN.